Spiritual Development

[Download Mp3] THE DYNAMICS OF ACCESSING THE HELP OF GOD – Apostle Michael Orokpo

Men are theatre that manifest and reflect spirits, so there is a testament and a testimony of an unseen operation behind the scenes. And there are two kingdoms – light and darkness, So all men have the choice of choosing between light and darkness. Whatever be the path you choose, you become an endangered species to the other side, because the other side will fight to annihilate you.
The major difference between light and darkness is that darkness destroys, but light helps and light is originated from God.
If you choose to stand with light to make impact, then war and Warfare that you didn’t solicited for will suddenly begin to appears, demons will start seeking your address to find out your dwelling place, then warfare that you didn’t call for will begin to surface, except you are not making impact but just a mediocre.
But never to worry, because when start making impact, light will come for you.

Light is the realm of God and only from the realm of God can man come into an advantage with God. And as you dwell in the light, you need to understand the dynamics of accessing the help of God.

– Apostle Michael Orokpo
Size: 34MB
Duration: 1:54:19

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